January 1st annually
Start Time: 2021-11-16 12:00 AM
End Time: 2021-12-10 12:00 AM
From November 25 to December 10, ETFO is participating in the 16 Days of Action, a global campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence. By sharing messages and images posted on @ETFOeducators social media accounts (Twitter | Facebook) you can add your voice to this important conversation. Speak out, reflect and act to end violence against women and girls. As teachers, parents, and community members our actions matter – let’s work together to change behaviours and attitudes to end violence.
November 25th marks the start of two anti-violence campaigns:
From November 25 to December 10, ETFO is participating in the 16 Days of Action, a global campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence. By sharing messages and images posted on @ETFOeducators social media accounts (a few are shown below) you can add your voice to this important conversation. Speak out, reflect and act to end violence against women and girls.
This campaign links violence against women and human rights, emphasizing that all forms of violence, whether perpetrated in the public or private sphere, are a violation of human rights. November 25 is International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10 is International Human Rights Day. The 16-day period also includes December 1, World AIDS Day, and December 6, the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. More information is available from https://16dayscampaign.org/about-the-campaign/.
This campaign provides an opportunity for boys and men to work together to end violence against women. Education and Action kits are available from the White Ribbon.
Violence against women and children makes the news almost every day. This opens up countless opportunities to get past the headlines and help your students examine the:
Women in Crisis is an ETFO Women’s Program that provides donations to existing women’s crisis centres and start-up grants to newly established women’s crisis centres. Locals are encouraged to make a matching donation in money or in-kind services. Contact your local Status of Women Chairperson or president. You can locate women’s shelters at www.shelternet.ca [removed link on April 30, 2012].
Here are some ideas for providing financial assistance and in-kind services for shelters in your area:
Adapted from materials developed by the December 6th Coalition in Waterloo.
Do you have suggestions for other classroom activities? Let us know by emailing Alice Te at ate@etfo.org.
As long as racial taunts and sexist comments continue to exist in our classrooms, violence in schools will continue. As long as the media (including movies, music, video games, and advertisements) portray a litany of violent acts, violence will continue. As long as children grow up in abusive homes and witness abuse, violence will continue.
Solutions to ending violence must be collaborative in nature and holistic in scope. That means classroom teachers, schools, local boards, and the community itself must work together to change a lifetime of learning violence.
Local Status of Women Committees can do their part by forming partnerships with community groups, increasing awareness within the school community, and implementing anti-violence initiatives. Here are some suggestions:
Professional Development
What suggestions do you have? Let us know by emailing Alice Te at ate@etfo.org.