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International Day of Pink

April 9th annually

The Day of Pink was started in Nova Scotia in 2007 when two Grade 12 students saw a Grade 9 student who wearing a pink shirt being bullied on the first day of school. Bullies harassed the boy, called him a homosexual for wearing pink and threatened to beat him up. The two Grade 12 students - David Shepherd and Travis Price bought and distributed 50 pink shirts and encouraged peers to arrive to school wearing pink.

The result was that the school took a stand and began working together to prevent bullying.

More information and resources can be found here.

Resources for International Day of Pink 2024

2SLGBTQ+ Education Timeline

This resource introduces the diversity of gender in Canada and around the world through the story of Fae Johnstone, a Canadian youth activist and champion of 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities. By exploring the diversity of gender within Canadian society (both pre- and post-colonization) and in other cultures, teachers contribute to their students’ awareness of diversity on many levels and to their learning about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Click here to explore the resource.

The Every Teacher Project is a national research study that was carried out by the University of Winnipeg in partnership with the Manitoba Teachers Society (MTS). Every teacher organization in Canada assisted the researchers and project partners in getting the word out about the initial online survey, where over 3,400 teachers from across Canada participated in the largest study to date worldwide on teachers' perspectives on LGBTQ-inclusive education.

The Every Teacher Project on LGBTQ-Inclusive Education in Canada's K-12 Schools Final Report can be found here in English and French.