Policies will provide guidance on issues over which the Federation does not have complete control. A policy statement reflects the fundamental beliefs that guide the actions of the Federation.
71.1 That no more than two (2) report cards (K-8) be prepared in each school year.
71.2 That teachers use their professional judgement regarding evaluation and the content, length, voice, and format of provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning comments to ensure that the comments reflect the specific strengths and needs of their students.
71.3 That district school board reporting policies be consistent across the province and based on ministry policies.
71.4 That the equitable distribution and use of computer hardware, software, and web-based access for the completion of the provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning be adequately funded through the funding formula by the Ministry of Education.
71.5 That teachers be consulted by their district school boards and the Ministry of Education in the development of computer software and web-based applications for the preparation of the provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning.
71.6 That teacher training within the instructional day on the use of computer and web-based technology to implement the provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning be adequately funded through the funding formula by the Ministry of Education.
71.7 That teachers be provided with safe and healthy work environments to complete the provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning.
71.8 That teachers be provided with additional preparation time during the instructional day for the completion of the provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning.
71.9 That teachers be provided with adequate time during the instructional day for revising and editing provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning comments.
71.10 That additional professional activity days within the existing school year for the purpose of reporting to parents be provided to teachers by the Ministry of Education.
71.11 That a cyclical review of the provincial report card and Kindergarten Communication of Learning, including feedback from elementary teachers, be implemented by the Ministry of Education.
71.12 That all Kindergarten teachers have access to the same report card technology as all elementary teachers within their district school board.
71.13 That the Ministry of Education de-strand various subjects such as Language, Math, French, and the Arts on the provincial report card.